Gallery header (image)
These original art images were created as projects from the PSP Interactive Zone's Challenge forum. In this forum, each week a PSPIZ member issues "a challenge" which consists of a piece of clipart, or line drawing, or texture, or what ever strikes the challenger's fancy. Those wishing to participate then download the image, load it up into their copy of Paint Shop Pro and start creating. Want to try your hand at doing a fun project, click on the graphic button here to visit the Challenge zone.

Visit the Challenge Zone

Click the graphics below to see my Challenge image.
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to my
Challenge gallery 2
All images, including the webgraphics, are for display on these web pages only... thank you for observing this rule.  Visit my "free" graphics site MasterMarble Graphics for my original graphics that you CAN use.  If you want to make your own graphics here is the program that I use... thanks for visiting

Get the program here

PSPIZ Daring Kitten Award

My award for 13 weeks of participation in the Challenges

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Cheryl typeface used in the graphic header image is from the Fontgarden .
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